Sunday, October 28, 2018

Role of Pre-Assessment

Why Pre-Assess?
-Gives the instructor knowledge regarding what the students know and what they need to work on.
-Gives the instructor a good base as to where to start with the lesson and their students.
-Helps the students get a general idea of what will be taught in the lesson and what they are going to learn. 
-Helps students recognize their improvement from the beginning of the lesson to the end.  Comparing the pre-assessment and the final independent practice will show the students growth. 

Image result for science thinking cartoon
Why is it important to learn about your students?
-In order to connect with your students, the teacher must know their strengths and weaknesses.
-The teacher must know what they need to work on with each student to further their growth in their classroom.
-Teachers have to have an understanding of what their students are misunderstanding/ their misconceptions to be able to address and correct.
-Teachers need a strong foundation with their students to succeed.  When students are comfortable with their teacher, they will want to further themselves and push their efforts to their fullest potential. 

1 comment:

  1. I love how you give multiple reasons as to why you should assess your students before hand so you can know how to prepare and conduct a lesson with them!
