Friday, October 19, 2018


Today we met the students! 
For our ice breaking activity, group 4 designed a big flower made out of paper.  The flower had several colorful pedals around the white center.  Each pedal had a question on the inside.  When the students would come to our station, they would get the chance to pick any color pedal they want.  The teacher would then read the "get to know you" question on the inside of the pedal.  These questions were a mix of personal questions like "What did you do this summer?" and questions to ease them into our lessons like "What is your favorite flower?".  The students reacted extremely well to this activity.  It was fun to watch the students having fun while we were getting to know them.  This was a great start to field work. 

1 comment:

  1. I really liked your getting to know you activity, it was so creative, pretty and fun!
