Friday, October 19, 2018

FIELD WORK: Group 1 Direct

Group 1 Presentation:
Today in field work, group 1 did their lesson on the plant cell.  The group taught the students about botany and the different parts of the cell.  They taught the students important cell parts including: 
Cell wall
Cell membrane
Endoplasmic Reticulum
 The teachers gave detailed descriptions of each part and why it is important to the cell.  They also compared these structures to everyday items that the students can relate to in the classroom.  For example, comparing the cell membrane to the classroom door because they are both the barrier to what comes in and out of the cell/classroom.  The teachers had the students come up to the board for guided practice.  Students were assigned to place the correct cell structure term to the picture.  This group used a cute idea for check for understanding.  They handed out flowers on popsicle sticks with red, yellow and green pedals.  Red indicates confusion, yellow indicates some understanding but still a bit confused, and green indicates the students are completely understanding the content.  Group 1 did a great job during their direct instruction lesson! 

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