Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Karl, Get Out of the Garden!

Book Trailer Project 
When I was searching for a creative book to use for this project, I knew this one would be perfect! Carolus (Karl) Linnaeus started off as a very curious child who loved exploring the garden.  Even though he was extremely intelligent, he was a poor student because he always preferred being outdoors admiring the plants and bugs around him.  As he grew up, Karl’s love of nature led him to explore something almost impossible. He was determined to scientifically name every living thing on earth.  As a result, the Linnaean system was developed. This is the basis for the classification system used by biologists around the world. Since the topic of classification was what my group during field work, this was a perfect base. The book contains beautiful pictures and great detail. I also had a lot of fun creating the actual trailer! I used screencast to create the trailer with the voice over. This app was extremely easy to use and made my trailer much more interesting. I really loved this project. Check out my trailer!


  1. I really like your book! It was different from everyone else. I would love to go read it!

  2. I loved your book trailer! I think that this a great book to use when teaching classification. I would definitely use it in my future classroom!
