Sunday, October 21, 2018

FIELD WORK: Group 5 Inquiry

Group 5: Inquiry Lesson
Image result for biomes cartoon
Group 5 presented their inquiry lesson to the class today.  This was one of my favorite lessons that I have seen during our field work time.  The teachers prepared a review of what was previously taught and their problem.  They created Mrs. Smarty Plants.  I thought this was adorable!  Mrs. Smarty Plants had gone to each one of the different biomes and collected tons of research but unfortunately lost her findings.  It was the students job to help Mrs. Smarty Plants collect new research about each biome.  The teachers then set up a station, each with a different biome.  The station included a book or two on the biome and the iPad with a few articles for the students to look through and collect data. The students loved this activity.  I thought the use of multiple resources was a great way to really portray the research method.  The group did a great job during this lesson.  

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