Sunday, October 21, 2018

FIELD WORK: Group 4 Direct

Group 4: Direct Lesson
Image result for plant classification
This was my time to teach the 4th grade students! Our objective was to teach the students all about plant classification.  We began the lesson by reviewing what was taught by the teachers before us.  We also went over classroom rules, our quiet method, our check for understanding methods and what we were going to teach.  Since it is almost Halloween, we used the spell "Hocus Pocus" and the students reply with "Time to Focus."  The students responded really well to this fun way of getting them to quiet down.  The students were each given a note packet that went along with the powerpoint presentation.  The note packet was fun and color coded.  Each one of the teachers in my group rotated throughout the slides.  For our guided practice, we had the students come up to the board and connect the correct term with the correct picture of the plant.  Our independent practice was a work sheet with a word bank and a few questions that went over the lesson we had just taught.  Our closure was a few questions that had been taught throughout the lesson.  We did this as a class and checked for understanding after each question.  Overall, I think our lesson went really well.  We provided a lot of information to the students and had fun teaching.  We also learned a lot and will apply it to our future!  

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