Sunday, October 28, 2018

Mystery Bag

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Mystery Bag Activity
  • What comes to mind when you look at the bag?
  • What questions do you have about the bag?
Each person then has 5 seconds to handle the bag and gather information
  • rattles
  • soft
  • squishy
  • squeaks
  • ball
  • dog or baby toy?
  • formulated a statement: what you think is in the bag (hypothesis)
  • hypothesis- tentative explanation
  • create a method to obtain information
  • How do we figure it out
  • two possibilities: the hypothesis is correct, the hypothesis is incorrect
  • restate the hypothesis
  • will not prove but support
  • have to test several times to prove
  • the more test results, the more results
  • hypothesis- not a guess, a tentative explanation for the problem/question based on some type of observation
  • Have to support hypothesis!!
Actually in the bag:
  • rattle
  • rock
  • softball
Why we need to use inquiry in science:
  • No direct answers in science because science is always evolving. 
  • Principle concept: scientific knowledge is fundamentally uncertain
  • Science is uncertain because it is a human activity
  • Science explanations seem less certain when they are based on indirect information
  • Scientific uncertainty can be reduced through collaboration
  • the scientific argument is based on justified evidence
Why this activity?
  • Stimulates creativity
  • Develops creative thinking
  • Helps students understand the scientific method
  • Gives students a better understanding of a hypothesis

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