Sunday, October 21, 2018

FIELD WORK: Group 2 Direct

Group 2: Vegetative Organs and Plant Tissue
Image result for plant tissue
Today in field work, group 2 taught the 4th grade students about vegetative organs and plant tissue.  The central idea of the lesson was to introduce new vocabulary and build off what was previously learned about botany and plant cells.  The group taught the properties of the new topic.  They handed out detailed note packets for the students to follow along with while learning the new material.  At the end of the lesson, group 2 had the students fill out a sticky note engaging students with answering one of three questions.  They will then place it on the red, does not understand, yellow, has somewhat of an understanding of the topic, and green which indicates the student fully understands the material.  This group did a great job keeping the students engaged and presenting confidence in their teaching. 

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